Fiziol. rast. genet., 2024, no. 6

Bondarenko O.Y., Shevchenko V.V.
The 20—22 kD family proteins role in the subcellular structures protection under the action of abiotic stressors
Rakhmetov D.B., Zaimenko N.V., Bondarchuk O.P., Blum Ya.B., Rakhmetova S.O., Fishchenko V.V.
Dynamics of physiological and biochemical processes in plants of the Brassicaceae family depending on the use of silicon-containing fertilizer
Kiriziy D.A., Stasik O.O., Dubrov­na O.V., Sokolovska-Sergiienko O.G., Holoboroda A.S.
Effect of drought on the leaf photoassimilation activity and productivity of genetically modified wheat plants with partial suppression of the proline dehydrogenase gene
Koloianidi N.O.
Productivity and quality of chickpea under conditions of water deficit
Mykhalska L.M., Makoveychuk T.I., Tretiakov V.O., Zozulya О.L., Schwar­tau V.V.
The effect of ammonium and trinexapac-ethyl on the photosynthetic apparatus and productivity of winter wheat
Andronic L., Smerea S.
Current challenges and realizations in plant biology discussed at the International Scientific Conference «Genetics, Physiology and Plant Breeding»