In wheat crops, lodging control and nitrogen supply to plants during the growing season are components of productivity formation. In the field conditions of 2023—2024, the effect of ammonium in the form of sulfate and chloride and the retardant trinexapac-ethyl (TE) on the photosynthetic apparatus and productivity of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties Novosmuglianka and Kyivska 19 was determined. The plants were treated once in the stage of BBCH 37. Under the foliar treatment of winter wheat crops with ammonium fertilizers + TE in the flag leaves of Novosmuglyanka and Kyivska 19 varieties in the booting, the chlorophyll content increased by 7.1—9.9 %, to 47.9—54.1 conventional units of SPAD. A similar trend was observed during further observations during the growing season: in the flag leaves of wheat plants of both varieties treated with the composition of retardant + ammonium fertilizer, the chlorophyll content was 4.4—15.2 % higher in the flowering stage and 3.6—18.6 % higher in the milky ripeness stage compared to the control. In the absence of crop lodging, the use of TE separately and in combination with ammonium fertilizers preserved the content of photosynthetic pigments in the lower tiers, in particular, in the leaves of the 3rd tier. In plants of wheat variety Kyivska 19, in the stage BBCN51, these leaves retained the chlorophyll content in the range of 44.6—45.2 units SPAD, which was almost twice higher than that of the untreated variant. It was found that the NDVI of Kyivska 19 crops was in the range of 0.78—0.81 during the period of BBCH 51—59, and Novosmuglyanka — 0.77—0.82. The highest level of NDVI 0.82 was observed in Novosmuglyanka variety under treatment with ammonium sulfate + TE, which corresponded to a yield of 117.5—118.0 c/ha (8.8—9.2 % more than in the control). The use of ammonium sulfate increased the weight of 1000 grains by 20.7 % (+9.9 g) in winter wheat of Kyivska 19 variety, while in Novosmuglianka variety the index remained at the level of the control. In 2023, the treatment of Kyivska 19 wheat with ammonium chloride + TE contributed to an increase in the weight of 1000 grains by 15.2 % (+7.3 g); with ammonium chloride — by 21.7 % (+10.4 g), in Novosmuglianka — by 13 % (+5.7 g) compared to the untreated control. The use of TE in a composition with ammonium sulfate in 2024 on winter wheat varieties Kyivska 19 and Novosmuglianka contributed to an increase in yield by 5.2—23.0 % (+5.0—20.0 c/ha) compared to the control, due to an increase in the number and weight of grains per ear. Protein content in winter wheat grain was at the level of 12.59—13.24 %, gluten content was 26.00—27.50 %, depending on the nitrogen fertilizers used, while in 2024 these indices were 14.30—16.76 % and 23.5—35.5 %, respectively, depending on the variety and plant treatment. In variants with a high content of protein and gluten in the grain, as in the previous season, a certain decrease in the content of carbohydrates and fats was also noted. Thus, foliar treatment with ammonium nitrogen fertilizers and in compositions with TE can be used to extend the vegetation/stay-green and increase the productivity of winter wheat at limited levels of mineral nutrition, as well as to improve grain quality.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., ammonium foliar nutrition, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, trinexapaс-ethyl, SPAD index, NDVI, productivity
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