Fiziol. rast. genet. 2024, vol. 56, no. 6, 495-514, doi:

Effect of drought on the leaf photoassimilation activity and productivity of genetically modified wheat plants with partial suppression of the proline dehydrogenase gene

Kiriziy D.A., Stasik O.O., Dubrov­na O.V., Sokolovska-Sergiienko O.G., Holoboroda A.S.

  • Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 31/17 Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Under the conditions of a pot experiment, the effects of drought on water deficit, chlorophyll content, chloroplast antioxidant enzymes activity, CO2 assimilation, and stomatal conductance in flag leaves, as well as the grain yield of transgenic plants of the winter bread wheat line UK 322/17 (T3), containing a double-stranded RNA suppressor of the proline dehydrogenase gene, were studied comparring with the original genotype. Drought was imposed on plants of both genotypes by reducing soil moisture to a level of 30 % FC, which was maintained for seven days during the earing—flowering period, and then returned to the control level. Soil moisture for the control plants was maintained at an optimal level of 60—70 % FC. Physiological and biochemical indices were measured on the first day of soil moisture reduction to 30 % FC, on the seventh day at this moisture level, and one week after the restoration of the optimal moisture level. It was found that the drought-treated transgenic plants exhibited better responses to the stressor and its after-effect across all the studied indices compared to the plants of the original genotype. Specifically, the water deficit and chlorophyll content in the leaves of the transgenic plants during drought hardly changed. The net CO2 assimilation rate in the flag leaves of the treated transgenic plants both under drought conditions and during the recovery period was significantly higher than in the treated plants of original line. It was found that with the same stomatal conductivity, the photosynthetic rate in the leaves of the transformants was higher than in the original line plants. Accordingly, the former had an advantage over the latter in the water use efficiency at photosynthesis both under drought conditions and during the period after optimal soil moisture restoration. Although the levels of chloroplast superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase activities were similar in both genotypes under stress conditions, during the restoration period, the activities in the transgenic plants returned to control levels faster than in the original line plants. A seven-day drought during the critical for wheat earing-flowering period negatively affected the plant productivity of both genotypes, but due to the above-mentioned advantages of the photosynthetic apparatus in the transgenic plants, the degree of this effect for them was significantly less than in the original line. The weight of grain per plant in the transgenic plants was almost one-third higher than in the original line.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., drought, transgenic plants, proline, photosynthesis, productivity

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2024, vol. 56, no. 6, 495-514

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