The peculiarities of the accumulation of dry matter, biologically active substances, mineral substances, and changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence induction intensity in three different species of plants of the Brassicaceae family (Camelina sativa Сrantz f. annua, cv. Peremoha, Brassica carinata A. Braun (SF-selected form) and Brassica napus f. annua DC., cv. Rimal) under the use of silicon-containing compounds were investigated. The most favorable effect of silicon-containing compounds was established in Brassica napus f. annua DC., cv. Rimal, for the rest of the species the use of these compounds caused sensitivity to environmental stress factors, which was reflected in a sharp difference in the accumulation of several biologically active substances in the above-ground mass during the growing season. In all stu-died samples, in general, the improvement of the photosynthetic apparatus was noted, along with the maximum manifestation for plants of B. napus f. annua DC., cv. Rimal under the use of microfertilizers.
Keywords: Camelina sativa (L.) Сrantz., Brassica carinata A. Braun, Brassica napus DC., genotype, resistance, physiological and biochemical state
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