Fiziol. rast. genet., 2024, no. 4

Huliaieva H.B.
Cellular, physiological-biochemical and molecular-gene­tic mechanisms of the interaction of plants and diseases agents of various taonomic groups
Rogach V.V., Kuryata V.H., Rogach T.I., Stasіk O.O., Kiriziy D.A., Sytnyk C.K.
Dynamics of the content of carbohydrates and mineral nutrition elements in organs of eggplant plants under the influence of retardants
Polishchuk L.V., Bambura O.I., Lukyanchuk V.V.
Determination of pellet formation in Streptomyces globisporus 1912-4Crt
Priadkina G.O., Makharynska N.M., Tarasiuk M.V.
The influence of leaves assimilation surface loss in different winter wheat varieties during the flowering—milk-wax ripeness period on grain filling
Duplij V.P., Duplii N.V., Duplij S.A.
DNA walk diagram in Triander and jsTriander applications
Morgun V., Kots S.
International scientific and practical conference «Field Day-2024»
Schwartau V., Nakonechniy O., Strikha M., Patyka M., Marenkov O.
Yuriy Vasylyovych Lykholat(dedicated to the 65th birthday anniversary)