Fiziol. rast. genet. 2024, vol. 56, no. 1, 74-86, doi:

Efficiency of soybean seeds inoculation with fungicide-resistant rhizobia under pre-treatment with seed dressing agents

Kukol K.P., Vorobey N.A., Pukhtaievych P.P., Kots T.A.

  • Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 31/17 Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

The processes of formation and functioning of soybean symbiotic systems with fungicide-resistant nodule bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum PC07 and B78 were studied in field experiment under the use of Standak Top and Maxym XL preparations 7 days before sowing. The insignificant decrease in the number and weight of root nodules during the growing season was observed under the complex pre-treatment of soybean seeds with seed treatment agents and rhizobia, compared to control plants (bacterization without fungicides). In the budding-beginning of flowering stage, the nitrogen fixation activity of symbiotic systems formed with the participation of both strains of nodule bacteria decreased when using Maxim XL by 12.6—25.0 %, and when treated with Standak Top — by 13.9—15.1 %. In the stage bean formation, nitrogen fixation activity was lower by 17.9 % compared to control plants when seeds were treated with Maxim XL and B. japonicum PC07. In the case of inoculation with rhizobia strain B78 under the action of the same seed treatment agent, this index was at the level of control plants. In the stage of bean formation, the use of the Standak Top with B. japonicum PC07 and B78 showed an increase in nitrogen fixation activity by 7.3 and 5.4 %, respectively. The stimulating effect of complex pre-treatment of soybean seeds with seed dressing agents and nodule bacteria on the growth of soybean plants during the growing season was revealed. The increase in the shoot mass of soybean plants under inoculation with Maxim XL was 10.5—14.3 %, and under treatment with Standak Top — 6.9—8.5 %. The weight of soybean roots under the use of treatment agents with inoculants was higher compared to control plants by 6.1—10.8 % in the budding stage and by 7.9—15.2 % in the stage of bean formation. Plants of all variants treated in advance with seed dressing agents and nodule bacteria (7 days before sowing) showed an increase in grain productivity compared to control plants. When applying Maxim XL and Standak Top, the increase in soybean yield was 4.8 and 6.2 %, respectively, under inoculation with B. japonicum PC07, and 9.6 and 12.9 % — under inoculation with B. japonicum В78. In general, despite the fact that soybean plants pretreated with seed dressing agents and inoculants were somewhat inferior to the control plants in terms of nodulation activity, nodules on their roots actively assimilated atmospheric N2, plant growth was more intensive, and grain productivity was higher. Thus, the use of fungicide-resistant rhizobia for inoculation of soybean seeds, even under conditions of their contact for 7 days with the active substances of chemical preparations, allows to ensure the functioning of effective symbiotic systems.

Keywords: Bradyrhizobium japonicиm, soybean, fungicides, inoculation, seed dressing, fungicide-resistant rhizobia strains, nitrogen fixation

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2024, vol. 56, no. 1, 74-86

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