Physiological peculiarities of sunflower boron nutritionDubrovna O.V., Velikozhon L.G., Slivka L.V., Kondratskaya I.P., Reshetnikov V.N., Makai S. Detection of dna polymorphism of transgenic wheat plants with proline metabolism heterologous genesPriadkina G.O., Stasik O.O., Poliovyi A.M., Yarmolska O.E., Kuzmova K. Radiation use efficiency of winter wheat canopy during pre-anthesis growthMorderer Ye.Yu., Guralchuk Zh.Z., Rodzevych O.P., Novak L. The efficiency of adjuvant AGNS 1056-X joint application with herbicides aryloxyphenoxy propionic acid derivativesRybalka O.І., Кatrii V.B., Morgun B.V., Polyshchuk S.S. Barley locus sex6 mutation that substantionally improves nutritional grain valuesRadchenko O.M., Sandetska N.V. Research of alleles diversity of high molecular and low molecular weight glutenins loci of soft wheat varietiesFedak G., Wolfe D., Chi D., Cloutier S., Xue A., Zhang L. Unique sources of resistance to Fusaruim head blight for durum wheat
Innovative achievements of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the NAS of Ukraine as an important component of the grain prosperity of our country (speech of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine V.V. Morgun at the international scientific-practical Field Day conference)
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