Hull-less barley cultivar with unique nutritional properties Himalaya 292 was developed by CSIRO (Australia) on the base of induced by sodium aside mutation in the sex6 locus. The mutation contains a stop-codon appeared as G to A transition and suppresses activity of the SSIIa starch granules bound enzyme responsible for branching of glucose polymer in the starch structure. As a result, the content of a non-branching glucose polymer (amylose) in the starch composition substantially increased from normal 20—25 % to high — 70 %. The original hull-less barley cultivar Himalaya 292 was examined in PBGI–NCSCI under field conditions for several years. The cultivar appeared to be not adapted, particularly to arid growing conditions. The plants were weak with 1-2 containing with small shrunken grains. From the binary cross Himalaya 292 w Datcha (Austria) on the base of F4/5 genotypes the experimental breeding population was created, among which 200 best genotypes were selected and subjected to the sex6 mutation detection by PCR coupled with restriction analysis and simultaneous grain amylose content examination. As the research performed, significantly high-amylose barley genotypes were selected for the further use in breeding program. The conclusion was made that the hull-less barley cultivar Himalaya 292 can be used exclusively as the genetic source of mutation in the sex6 locus for breeding program of adaptive to drought high amylose hull-less barley varieties development.
Keywords: hull-less barley, starch, amylose, mutation, locus sex6, starch synthase
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