The influence of organic fertilizer megafol and retardants on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of high productive varieties Smuglyanka and Podolyanka of Ukrainian breeding and Mulan of European breeding was studied. Positive influence of growth regulators of acylcyclohexadione class derivatives and their compositions with fertilizer on chlorophyll content in winter wheat plants of the studied varieties was revealed. The chlorophyll content in the flag leaves of Smuglyanka variety in the phase of milk-wax ripeness, when treated with growth inhibitors and their combination with fertilizer, was within the range from 49.6 to 52.4 conventional units of SPAD, while in Podolyanka variety — 46.7—51.3. It has been determined that the amount of chlorophylls in flag leaves of Smuglyanka variety increased under the influence of Prohexadione Ca + Mepiquat chloride (Medax top, 1.0 l/ha) by 6.6 %, Trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus, 0.6 l/ha) + Megafol (1.5 l/ha) — by almost 8.0 %, compared to the control. Leaves of plants treated with Megafol had 5.9 % more chlorophyll than in control. Wheat plants of Podolyanka variety, treated with a combination of active substances prohexadione Ca + Mepiquat сhloride (Medax top, 1.0 l/ha) with the addition of Megafol (1.5 l/ha), showed an increase in chlorophyll content in leaves by 6.4 % relative to control. It was found out that the yield of winter wheat of Smuglyanka variety under treatment with retardants was almost at the level of control indices. The addition of Megafol (1.5 l/ha) to the retardants (Moddus 0.6 l/ha and Medax top, 1.0 l/ha) contributed to the increase in yield by almost 4 %, and of Podolyanka variety — by 7 and 8.8 %, respectively, compared to the control (without treatment). The grain variety yield of Smuglyanka in the studied variants increased in comparison with the control by 2.9-3.4 c/ha, and of Podolyanka variety — by 5.3—6.7 c/ha. Yield of winter wheat Smuglyanka and Mulan varieties in industrial experiments under treatment of plants with retardants was slightly higher than in control. Application of retardant composition with fertilizer (Megafol) increased the influence of growth regulator on crop yield at BBCH 30-32 stage but not at BBCH 37-39.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., retardants, effectivity, fertilizers, chlorophyll, yield
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