The results of molecular genetic analysis of the allelic state of the b-carotene hydroxylase1 gene in 63 self-pollinated inbred maize lines of the initial combination CM358wBH41 are presented. The assessment of the general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) of the studied lines was carried out during 2018—2019 in field for grain yield and grain moisture content before harvesting. The influence rates of the genotype of self-pollinated lines and tester lines, the conditions of the growing season on the characteristics of grain yield and grain moisture content were determined by ANOVA. As result of the study of the 3' end of the crtRB1 gene polymorphism, 12 lines were detected which had a favorable allele 543 bp and were characterized by high content of carotenoids in the grain. The high GCA score for grain yield was observed for lines RLI19 and RLI34 (3.36 and 3.72 t/ha, respectively) on average 2018—2019. For grain moisture content before harvesting, among the studied self-pollinated lines, RLI19 and RLI49 lines were the best, which had low value of the GCA in 2018—2019: —1.58 and —1.3 %, respectively. For grain yield, lines RLI19 and RLI34, which showed a high value of the GCA effects during 2018—2019, are of practical value as breeding material for heterotic breeding and can be widely used in hybridization programs. The maize lines RLI19 and RLI49, which had low value of the GCA for grain moisture content, will be expediently used to create hybrids with low grain moisture content. As a result of the study, it was determined that the conditions of the growing season have the greatest influence on the yield of test crosses and the grain moisture content before harvesting — 58 % and 36 %, respectively. Thus, the detection of lines that are promising for creating heterotic hybrids for yield is based on high value of the effects of GCA and SCA. The low value of GCA and SCA for grain moisture content of lines allows to obtain hybrids with low grain moisture content.
Keywords: allele, carotenogenesis, general combining ability, specific combining ability, influence of factors
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