Fiziol. rast. genet. 2018, vol. 50, no. 3, 253-262, doi:


Klyachenko O.L.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 15 Heroiv Oborony St., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine e-mail:

The dynamics of biosynthesis of various forms of pectin substances in sugar beet roots during the ontogenesis was studied, and the phase of maximum accumulation of water-soluble pectin and protopectin was determined. Significant genotypic differences in the content of pectin substances in sugar beet roots of Ukrainian and foreign breeding were revealed and a high correlation between the formation of sugar content and the accumulation of protopectin and the amount of pectin substances was found. The regularities of changes in pectin substances and indices of technical quality and stability during long-term storage of roots were investigated. It is proved that varieties and hybrids of Ukrainian selection were the most stable. It is assumed that the content of pectin substances has a positive effect on the stability of roots during their storage before processing.

Keywords: Beta vulgaris L., sugar beet, root crop, pectin substances, storage, sustainability

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2018, vol. 50, no. 3, 253-262

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