The journal «Plant Physiology and Genetics» publishes original articles on the main aspects of physiology, biochemistry, genetics and plant breeding, cell and molecular biology, biotechnology and ecology, as well as articles on the history of science, reviews of new books, information on scientific congresses, meetings, anniversaries.
We accept the manuscripts in Ukrainian and English.
The Editorial Board of the journal «Plant Physiology and Genetics» adheres to the principles of publishing ethics and is guided by the provisions of the ethics of scientific publications (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [], White Paper on Publication Ethics []).
Ukrainian authors, among other things, should use the «Ethical Code of the Ukrainian Scientist», adopted by the General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on April 15, 2009 (Bulletin of the HAC of Ukraine, 2010, 2: 2—5).
Materials submitted to the press in other publications or already published (in whole or in part) are not accepted or considered.
With the use of materials published in the journal «Plant Physiology and Genetics», the reference to the publication in the journal «Plant Physiology and Genetics» is compulsory.
Complete original works are accepted for publication in the form of full articles (up to 20 pages, including «References», tables and figures — three figures are counted per page, captions to the figures, summaries) containing new experimental results; methodical works containing a description of new methods and instruments (heading «Methods»); materials relating to the introduction of scientific achievements into the economic practice (heading «Relationship with practice»); theoretical articles, and also the chronicle.
The «Short Communications» column publishes short articles (up to 10 pages, including summaries, lists of literature, tables and figures) of the priority character; the Editorial Board reserves the right to recommend authors to reduce manuscripts to the volume of short communications.
Review articles (up to 40 pages, including summaries, lists of literature, tables and figures) and book reviews are published by the invitation of the Editorial Board (invited) or proposed by the authors and approved by the Editorial Board.
The journal publishes articles in Ukrainian and English with a summary in Ukrainian and English (1800 characters).
Preparation of the manuscript. The text of the article, including tables and figures, is submitted in two versions: electronic (e-mail: and paper (2 copies of A4 format, single-sided printing in 2 intervals). The text, the tables (in separate files) and the captions to the figures should be typed in the text editor MS Word (fields — on the left 3.5, on the right — 1 cm, font Times New Roman 14 pt, on the page — not more than 30 lines) and saved in RTF format.
The text of the article starts from the UDC index, followed the title of the article, the initials and last names of the authors, the full names of the scientific institutions (with a note where each of the authors works, to whom to address the correspondence), complete postal addresses, including e-mail. Next follow the abstract in the language of the article (1800 characters) and on a separate line — keywords.
For greater clarity of presentation the following sections should be highlighted in the manuscript: «Introduction», «Materials and Methods», «Results and Discussion», «References».
The location of each table or figure (at the first mention in the text) should be indicated on the margins of the manuscript in a square frames.
Physical and physicochemical symbols in the text, as well as mathematical formulas, must be typed on the computer. In mathematical formulas, it is necessary to select italic, lowercase and capital letters that have little difference in appearance, e.g. P and p, C and c, K and k etc. Subscript and superscript indices and degrees should be marked with a simple pencil arcs from above or below (32P, С18), Greek letters circled in red pencil.
All physical quantities are recommended for use in the International System of Units SI.
Figures and diagrams are presented as separate files (Excel or MS Graph) or in TIFF or JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. They are designed by black lines without a grid and frame. The background is white or missing. Schemes are created using MS Word or Corel Draw tools. Fonts for figures and legends — Times New Roman 8 pt or Arial 8 pt. Additional list of captions to the figures are added on a separate page. Two hard copies of figures printed on paper should be submitted with manuscript.
On a separate sheet, the names, patronymics and last names of all authors, names of institutions, positions, telephones, faxes, e-mail addresses and full postal addresses (with an index) with a note to whom to correspond are indicated in full.
The article should be signed by all authors and have cover letters from all the institutions indicated at the beginning of the article.
A carefully read manuscript is submitted in two copies (both text and figures).
Incorrectly written manuscripts are returned to the authors without consideration.
Requirements for the text of the article. The title should be informative and accurately reflect the content of the article.
The Introduction logically justifies this research and formulates the aim of the study (indicate what is known in this field, remains unknown, the task of this work).
The Materials and Methods should contain information about the subject of the study (with the obligatory indication of the full Latin names of plants and authors of the classification), the conditions of plants growing, the sequence of operations during the experiment, analytical methods and instruments, and reagents (indicating the firm in the original language and the country of the manufacturer).
The data of field and pot experiments, serial analyzes should be statistically processed. For field experiments three-year data are needed.
Results and Discussion. The statement of results should consist not in retelling the contents of tables and figures, but in revealing the regularities that follow from them. When interpreting the results, it is recommended to discuss not only the individual effects obtained, but also their entire set as a whole, manifesting the cause-effect relations between them. The author must compare the data obtained with those available in the literature and show what their novelty is. Reference should be made to the table and illustrative material of the article. The discussion ends with the formulation of the main conclusion containing a concrete answer to the question posed in the introduction.
Material of tables and figures should be autonomous, that is, understandable regardless of the text.
References to the literature in the text are given by the ordinal number in square brackets. The names of foreign authors are given in the text in the language of the article.
Recommendations on the compilation of lists of literature are presented in the «Supplement to the rules for authors of the journal "Plant Physiology and Genetics"» (
The Abstract should contain the main information of the article and state the essence of the experiments (what was done), the main results (what was revealed) and their interpretation (what was concluded). The resume should be at least 1800 characters.
At the end of the Abstract, a list of Key words is provided as a separate line. The list of Key words is desirable to begin with the Latin name of the object of study.
On separate pages, summaries with the titles of the article, institutions, author's last names and addresses in languages other than language of paper (Ukrainian or English) should be given.
Editorial preparation. Having received the manuscript, the Editorial office register and forwards it to the two anonymuos independent experts in this particular area of research. If there are any remarks, the article is returned to the authors for correction. The revised version (in duplicate) the author should return to the editorial office together with the original copy and the reply to all remarks of the reviewer in the shortest possible time.
The editors reserve the right to correct and shorten the manuscript.
The order of publication of articles is determined by the registration date of their receipt by the editorial office.