It was analyzed the influence of nanocarboxylates of cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), germanium (Ge), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and multicomponent preparation аvatar-2 with a complex of micronutrient nanoparticles in its composition on germination energy and laboratory germination of soybean seeds of Almaz and Vasylkivska varieties. The effect of biogenic metals at treatment of seed on the indices of fresh weight and length of formed seedlings, as well as the accumulation of fresh mass was investigated. The stimulating effect of Co solutions and the complex preparation аvatar-2 on the germination energy of soybean seeds of both varieties was revealed, as evidenced by the increase of this index by 4.7—5.8 %. A decrease in seed germination energy by 6.9 % in soybean of Almaz variety and 6.0 % in soybean of Vasylkivska variety was found under the effect of Mo nanocarboxylate. The absence of inhibitory effect of most solutions of nanoparticles of biogenic metals and Avatar-2 on laboratory germination of soybean seeds of Almaz and Vasylkivska varieties was established. The tendency was revealed to increase the studied index by 3.8—5.7 % under the effect of Cu and аvatar-2 in the seeds of both soybean varieties, as well as in the variants with Co and Fe under the influence of nanoparticles on the germination of soybean Almaz variety. It was noted a decrease compared to the control of the mass of 8-day-old soybean seedlings at pre-treatment of seeds with solutions of Fe (by 6.5 and 5.0 %) and Cu (by 3.3 and 7.5 %) nanoparticles. An increase of this index by 4.0—6.7 % was found in the variants of the experiment with both soybean varieties under the effect of Co and аvatar-2. Treatment of soybean seeds of Almaz variety with nanocarboxylates of Fe, Ge, Cu and Mo led to a reduction in seedling length compared to the control by 4.1—11.7 %. The decrease of this index was 6.6 and 4.6 % respectively at treating seeds of Vasylkivska variety with Cu and Mo solutions. The increase in the length of soybean seedlings of Almaz and Vasylkivska varieties by 11.3 and 10.8 % in the experiment was provided by pre-treatment of seed material with multicomponent microelement preparation avatar-2. Thus, we founded differences in the effect of one-component nanoparticles of biogenic metals and the complex microelement preparation аvatar-2 on sowing qualities of soybean seeds and morphometric parameters of the formed seedlings. The increase in most of the studied indices in soybean of Almaz and Vasylkivska varieties was noted under the influence of chelated form of Co and the preparation аvatar-2, which indicates the feasibility of studying the effectiveness of their use for pre-sowing treatment Glycine max (L.) Merr. in terms of vegetation and field experiments.
Keywords: Glycine max (L.) Merr., metal nanoparticles, germination energy, laboratory germination, length and mass of seedlings
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