Fiziol. rast. genet. 2019, vol. 51, no. 6, 529-540, doi:

Application of ssr markers for the estimation of maize polymorphism (Zea mays L.) in examination on distinctness, uniformity, stability

Prysiazhniuk L.M., Chernii S.O., Tahantsova M.M., Tkachyk S.O.

  • Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination 15 Henerala Rodimtseva St., 03041, Kyiv, Ukraine

The results of studies of maize lines by SSR and morphological markers are presented. The polymorphism of the studied maize lines was determined by 8 SSR markers: phi064, umc1448, umc1792, bnlg1782, bnlg1129, phi084, phi015, phi083. According to the PCR results obtained alleles were used to calculate their frequencies and the locus polymorphic information content (PIC). It was identified from 2 to 9 alleles in the studied lines in accordance with the used markers. The frequencies of the identified alleles were 0.01—0.72. It was determined that the umc1448 marker (PIC 0.83) turned out to be the most polymorphic, the phi015 (PIC 0.46) the least polymorphic. A high PIC value was noted for the phi064 and bnlg1782 markers. The presence of unique alleles in the studied lines was determined for the umc1448 markers — the 132 bp allele, for the bnlg1782 marker — alleles with sizes of 240 and 242 bp. As the results of cluster analysis, based on the degree of note of morphological traits, the differences between 91 lines were determined. The pairs of lines with a different type of cytoplasm (fertile line and its sterile analogue) turned out to be identical in 36 traits. It was determined that genetic distances calculated according to the presence/absence of identified alleles revealed 88 distinct lines. It was established that one pair of lines, the fertile line and its sterile analogue, have no differences in the two marker systems studied, except for the type of cytoplasm, which is determined in the field by the presence of pollen. This indicates the need to attract at least one more SSR marker to determine the differences in this sample of lines. It was determined that lines that turned out to be identical in terms of SSR markers are morphologically distinct, which shows the effectiveness of an integrated approach to determining the difference of lines in the process of qualification examination for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS).

Keywords: i> Zea mays L., SSR markers, genetic distances, line difference

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2019, vol. 51, no. 6, 529-540

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