The aim of recearch was to investigate the effect of different use of exogenous lectin in combination with the treatment of seeds with fungicides Fever and Standak Top on symbiotic systems of soybean—Bradyrhizobium japonicum. It has been found that the treatment of seeds with fungicides Fever and Standak Top leads to inhibition of symbiotic soybean systems functioning in the phase of three true leaves. However, at later development stages (flowering and beans formation) these drugs have a stimulating effect on the activity of legume-rhizobial systems. It has been shown that exogenous lectin as a component of bacterial suspension, or at seeds treatment, had a stimulating effect on the symbiotic and photosynthetic apparatus of soybean, with the maximum effect in the case of seeds treatment with lectin. At the same time, the nature and extent of the effect that this protein cause on symbiotic soybean systems when applied together with fungicides depended on the phase of plant development and the type of fungicide.
Keywords: Bradyrhizobium japonicum, symbiosis, nitrogen-fixing activity, net assimilation rate, exogenous lectin, fungicides
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