Results and discussion about observation of leaf infrared spectrum parameters with the intention of overall characterisation of the traits of the elite maize inbred lines ZPPL 186, ZPPL 225, ZP M1-3-3 Sdms are presented. The proposed hypothesis was that numerous spectral bands of maize inbred lines leaves, not observed yet, but occurring in the different kinetic forms (bands of high and low intensity, single or grouped), should be systematically studied and the dynamics of their formation, very often caused by different oscillations and vibrations of molecular bonds, should be explained. In some cases, there is a possibility of the partial cancellation or increase of spectral bands intensity. According to our hypothesis, low intensity spectral bands imply the unstable state of the biological system (leaf), which is a consequence of the excited state of molecules, radicals, atoms or ions in tissues, cells or biomembranes. Similar transport processes occur when biological systems are rhythmically excited, as well as when complex transport of ions occur across the excited thylakoid membrane. These bands most frequently appear in the wave number range of 500—1600 cm–1. Nevertheless, they fractionally occur in the wave number up to 3000 cm–1. These spectral bands varied over inbred lines used in this study. The systematic analysis of spectral bands of leaves of observed maize inbred lines (for instance, high intensity bands with significant width on 3370 cm–1) showed the difference in their occurrence: the most intensive occurrence was in leaves of the inbred line ZPPL 186, then in ZP M1-3-3 Sdms, while the lowest intensity was detected in the inbred line ZPPL 225. In such a complex way, it is possible to identify not only organic compounds and their structure in leaves of observed maize inbred lines, but also to indicate the possibility of complex inducement of their unstable and conformational states.
Keywords: Zea mays L., inbred line, leaf, infrared spectra, spectral bands
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