The influence of modern fungicides of triazole and strobilurin classes, as well as fertilizers containing microelements and amino acids on the accumulation of macro- and microelements in the grain of highly productive varieties of winter wheat has been studied. Determination of inorganic elements content in grain samples was carried out on mass spectrometers with inductively coupled plasma ICP-MS «Agilent 7700w» and «Agilent 7500» using ICP-MS Mass Hunter Work Station. It has been established that the application of fertilizers based on the complex of microelements (Brexil Mix) and on algae hydrolyzates (which contain amino acids) — Megafol, in foliar treatments, does not significantly affect the grain elemental composition of winter wheat varieties Smuglyanlka and Podolyanka. It has been revealed that the application of fungicides Alto Super, Amistar Extra and Magnello in the phase of BBCH 37 provides the greatest prolonged protective action against pathogens. The use of Amistar Extra and Magnello contributed to the elongation of crops vegetation, which may cause changes in the elemental composition of winter wheat.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., Fusarium, ICP-MS, fungicides, inorganic elements, effectivity
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