With the help of cell biotechnologies, fertile intergeneric (C tall fescue variety Zarnitsa and X ryegrass multi-flowered variety Matador) hybrids of festulolium of the tall fescue morphotype were created. Methods of microclonal reproduction of intergeneric hybrids have been developed. The conditions of microclonal reproduction are described that make it possible to shorten the time taken to create hybrids of festulolium. A comparative analysis of the carbohydrate content in the green mass of hybrid festulolium plants and their parent forms has been carried out. It has been established that hybrids significantly (by 17—27 %) exceeded the parental forms in the total content of water-soluble carbohydrates in the vegetative mass. It was also found that the relative content of disaccharides in the total content of water-soluble carbohydrates in parental forms was less (36—39 %) than in hybrid plants (50—53 %). The created fertile intergeneric hybrids of festulolium of the tall fescue morphotype are genetic sources of economically valuable traits and can serve as a basis for breeding varieties and hybrids of perennial cereal grasses with a high level of productivity.
Keywords: Festulolium, Festuca arundinacea Schreb., intergeneric hybrids, morphotype, micropropagation, regenerated plants, explant, carbohydrates
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