The manifestation of morphotype genes in the parent samples of pulpy carrot samples was analyzed. It has been established that in the source adaptive varieties donors for breeding, there are genes that determine the shape of the root (cf, I-sf), the coloration of the root rind (Wph, Wph1, Orph, orph1), the core (Wx, Vx, Orx, orx1) and the tip of the root of (Bf, bf, i-bf). The article presents the material on the manifestation of genes in F1 hybrids from the interbreeding of wild and cultured carrots and analyzed the distribution of varieties of botanical classification by their effect. Genetically determined parent components, which ensured the manifestation of the heterozosis effect of new hybrids. The distribution of genotypes in the form of leaf segments (Lan, Lan1), flower petals (G, G1) was performed. The efficiency of the use of the phenomenon of CMS in heteroseous breeding of carrots (Spcyt M gene) has been proved, on the basis of which the acceleration of breeding methods for creating of sterile (A), fertile (C) and fixing (B) lines has been developed. An improved classification of flower structure forms in a sterile plant was developed. Linear and hybrid material sterile lines and fixing agents, fertile and F1 hybrids has been created with the increased content of antioxidant substances.
Keywords: Daucus carota L., mutant genes, antioxidant substances, sterile, CMS fixing, fertile lines
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