Fiziol. rast. genet. 2023, vol. 55, no. 6, 493-505, doi:

Methods of infrared and Raman spectroscopy used to study photosynthetic pigments and other organic molecules in maize hybrids intended for food and feed

Radenović Č.N.1,2, Ivanivić M.R.1,3, Popović A.S.1, Nikolić V.V.1, Simić M.S.1, Sečanski M.D.1

  1. Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje  Slobodana Bajiєa 1, Belgrade, 11185 Republic of Serbia
  2. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry  Studenski trg 12-16, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  3. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture,  Dositeja Obradoviєa trg 8, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia

The present paper introduces results of studying the leaves and kernels of three maize hybrids rich in nutrients (ZP 341, ZP 434, and ZP 505). Methods of absorption, infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to study the role and functions of photosynthetic pigments and organic molecules. Absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the concentration of all types of chlorophyll (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b) and carotenoids. Infrared spectroscopy showed the presence of different organic molecules in terms of origin and kinetic of the formation of the kernel spectrum, as a whole, and all its spectral bands with different amplitude intensities. Raman spectroscopy was used to reveal the content of carotenoids, organic molecules and some nutrients contained in kernels of maize hybrids. Organic molecules causing the formation of certain spectral bands in the Raman spectrum (carotenoids, glycogen, phosphates, amid III and others) were determined. Conformational and functional changes of photosynthetic pigments that occurred due to changes in the ratio (quotient), which had been determined by the intensity the spectral bands amplitudes, were analysed in particular. The obtained ratios (quotients) indicate different contributions of valence vibrations of their chemical bonds, which inevitably altered the conformation of molecules. The presented results of comprehensive studies point out to minor biogenic differences among the studied maize hybrids.

Keywords: Zea mays L., hybrid, kernel, leaf, chlorophyll, carotenoids, infrared and Raman spectrum, spectral band, molecular conformational properties, vibrations of valence bonds

Fiziol. rast. genet.
2023, vol. 55, no. 6, 493-505

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