Fiziol. rast. genet. 2022, vol. 54, no. 3, 270-276, doi:

Supplement to regulations for the authors of the journal «Plant Physiology and genetics»

References are listed in the order of appearence in the text and are presented in two blocks.

The first «Cited Literature» is drawn up in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015 «Bibliographical Reference. General provisions and rules of formation».

The second «References» — in accordance with the international standard APA.

Algorithms for making up these standards with appropriate examples to them are given in Table 1 in PDF file.

Mandatory requirements for both blocks:

1.Indicate the surnames and initials of all authors in the description of the source, regardless of its type.

2.Indicate at the end of the bibliographic description the digital object identifier (doi) if it is available in the source referred to by the author.

3.Give without quotes the titles of conferences (seminars, meetings, etc.).

4.Verify the accuracy of information regarding the patents of Ukraine in the specialized database «Inventions (utility models) in Ukraine», posted on the official website of Ukrpatent

5.Use generally accepted bibliographic abbreviations in descriptions (Table 2 in PDF file).

In the «References» block, the titles of articles in a periodical or the title of a book should be presented in English translation.

The titles of Ukrainian- and Russian-language periodicals (journals, collections, etc.) should be transliterated.

After the bibliographic description of the source, it is necessary to indicate in square brackets the language of the original edition, for example: [in Ukrainian], [in Russian].


Fiziol. rast. genet.
2022, vol. 54, no. 3, 270-276

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