Laboratory diagnostics of high-decorative native species of Belarus flora for resistance to chloride salinization was carried out. Nine taxa were selected as subjects of study based on ecological and botanical analysis of roadside vegetation areas with different salinization levels. In the course of research, the effect of sodium chloride various concentrations on the germination and morphogenesis of the study objects during germination on Petri dishes and on the nutrient medium under in vitro conditions was studied. The percentage of germinated seeds and growth rates were analyzed on day 4, 8, 14 after soaking the seeds in sodium chloride solutions of concentrations 5, 10, 20, 50 g/l. It was established that the most resistant to salinization were the Achillea millefolium, Centaurea jacea and Verbascum nigrum. For these taxa, the decrease in germination was not more than 15 % at the 14th day of experiment. The Betonica officinalis, Knautia arvensis and the Galium verum were the most sensitive to chloride salinization. Viscaria vulgaris, Anthemis tinctoria and Anthemis arvensis were medium resistant to salinization under experimental conditions. In most cases, the presence of sodium chloride at a concentration of 5 g/l reduced the average root length by 50—60 %. For the Viscaria vulgaris, this reduction did not exceed 30 %. No reliable differences were found in the shoot average length at salinization of 5 g/l in comparison with the control. In vitro culture can be a convenient tool for laboratory diagnostics of plant salinization resistance during germination.
Keywords: Betonica officinalis, Centaurea jacea, Verbascum nigrum, Knautia arvensis, Galium verum, Anthemis tinctoria, Anthemis arvensis, Viscaria vulgaris, Achillea millefolium, chloride salinization, native flora, landscaping, in vitro
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